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Why will Microsoft share beat Apple, Elon Musk & Amazon stocks in 2024? : US Stocks

Microsoft buying Startups, AI, Machine learning stocks & Companie. Top stocks related to AI, Machine Learning, Business, Payment, and Technologies, Bill Gates investing in AI, Pharma, or Renewable energy stocks?. Investors, Bonds and employees are planning to buy $MSFT stocks for the long-term profit.


Recently, a big change is going to happen in those stocks the world’s top technology company Apple ($APPLE) is going to be replaced by Microsoft ($MSFT). Microsoft has the highest growth in the year 2023 and Investors, and employees believe that Microsoft ($MSFT) is going to grow even more than Apple ($AAPL) in the future. Microsoft ($MSFT), Due to this recent growth, the stocks of Microsoft, IBM, and Amazon are also growing together. Bill Gates, the founder or owner of Microsoft, not only owns shares of Microsoft but also has many shares like $DE, $WCN, $AMZN, $CAT, and shares of many big Pharma, Technology, and AI companies.

Why is Microsoft or Bill Gates investing in AI, Pharma, or Renewable energy stocks?

Currently, we can see that Microsoft is investing in AI, Startups, and Pharma industries and it seems that Microsoft is preparing very carefully for the future because a big company would never want to lose its value. Microsoft ($MSFT) has recently done many big projects so that its users and customers do not have to go to companies like Apple and Amazon. If any company has a future in the future regarding Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), then it is Microsoft. Most of the Renewable energy stocks are purchased by Microsoft.

Why is Microsoft buying all stocks related to AI, Machine Learning, Business, Payment, and Technologies?

Apple, Amazon, Google, IBM, and many other companies are still there and consider machine learning as their alternative technology but the future of Microsoft is here and there. Because Microsoft’s biggest competitor is OpenAI and Elon Musk. because whatever the role of Microsoft, Elon Musk has shown it but now Microsoft is enabling massivescale data engineering, and collaborative data science, full in its AI & ML. $MSFT Will add lifecycle machine learning and business analytics. Microsoft has bought huge stocks of startups, AI labs, physical and technology so that in the future they can include all the companies in their trust so that no companies like $AAPL, $AMZN, and OpenAI can partner with them.

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