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US & EU Suspends Aid to Israel and Ukraine amid Rise of Recession : Israel Gaza War

US and Europe Suspend Defense Aid to Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan, US Election 2024, Recession in US and NATO, Israel Gaza War, US troops withdraw from Europe, Middle East and Indo-Pacific. top 10 countries in biggest Recession amid Russia Ukraine War.


Currently, due to the biggest recession in the UK, Japan, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Luxembourg, Moldova, Peru, and Ireland, it is expected that in the future the US and European Union countries will be followed by Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan. It can hurt by giving defense and financial aid. At the same time, the economic crisis going on between war and political crisis is the biggest challenge for the governments of all the countries due to recession and inflation. In recent, Economic, recession, and inflation have become the biggest challenges for the world as well as for Europe, Indo-Pacific, and South American countries. So in the UK, Japan, China, and other European Union countries, due to recession and inflation, it is expected that in the future, many countries like the US, Canada, France, Turkey, and other Eastern European countries may also face recession.

Why US, Europe and Indo-Pacific will suspends all Financial, Economic and Defense Aid to Israel and Ukraine?

After Israel and Ukraine, there could also be a war between Taiwan and China and in such a situation, America alone will not be able to afford such huge financial aid to maintain its power in China, Russia and the Middle East. Due to which common people of Middle East, Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan and countries around the world may lose trust in America. So in such a situation, it seems that there is a possibility of some war in the future between Taiwan, North Korea and South America also due to that election. if in the future there is a war between China and Taiwan due to the US Presence, the US will always want to spend on US military bases in the Middle East as well as in Taiwan. and Indoā€“Pacific to protect them from Chinese and North Korean aggression that Have to save. because of the US Election, US will also fail to save all those Military presences around the world. Due to this, the US will now reduce the defense and financial allowance for Israel, Taiwan and Ukraine slightly or suspend it completely. Anyway, inflation, recession, and economic crisis are continuously increasing in the world.

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