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NATO will provide $1 Trillion in aid to Ukraine by 2025, Will Ukraine Win against Russia?

Why does Russia want a Ceasefire, Russia-Ukraine Border conflict, Foreign Aid to Ukraine rise?, NATO aid Ukraine, US Debt, European Union Debts rise. is Russia collapsing? will US and NATO win in Ukraine?.


Currently, many countries believe that NATO’s assistance to Ukraine is increasing due to Russia’s ongoing actions in Ukraine, which could bring total NATO aid to Ukraine to almost $1 trillion USD by 2025. According to some recent reports, Ukraine has already raised $200B+ from NATO and America. On the other hand, Russia has also spent more than $500 billion on operations against Ukraine. And now France, the UK, Poland, and the US want other types of weapons, finance, and defense aid to be given to Ukraine so that Ukraine can achieve better results than Russia from 2025 to 2030. But America has not again sent its soldiers to another conflict but now America and Europe have changed their policy in which they provide more and more aid to countries like Ukraine and Israel so that the people there want their freedom. However, some people believe that on the one hand, Ukraine and Israel getting American recognition provokes their enemies. But now according to the opinion of news and experts, it is believed that now Russia cannot bring Ukraine to its knees due to the US and NATO support that Ukraine is getting continuously.

Why does Russia want a Ceasefire, Russia-Ukraine Border conflict, Foreign Aid to Ukraine rise?

That said, Russia has a lot of power, it has attacked and invaded Crimea, Donbas, and Kyiv for almost many years. but now the way Ukraine is getting NATO and European support, it does not seem that Russia will get rid of Ukraine so soon. That is, the war between Ukraine and Russia has been going on for many years and may continue till 2030. Until Russia has weapons and financial powers, but that not be easy for then Russia to win Ukraine. If the conflict and war between Ukraine and Russia are stopped, then it does not seem that there will be any agreement regarding the border between Russia and Ukraine. So due to this, the Ukraine-Russia war will be quite prolonged in the future, which will also create a financial, defense, and business crisis for NATO and Russia to a great extent. If by any means Russia tries to stop the Ukraine war, then according to International law Russia will try to keep all the lands that came under its control like Crimea, Donbass, and Eastern Ukraine. So now because of this, Russia, Ukraine, NATO, and the like are fighting a proxy war with each other and a direct war on one side. In which Russia and NATO are getting official benefits. Recent reports suggest that NATO’s total assistance to Ukraine by 2025 will amount to $1 Trillion USD or above, which is much less than the war in Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen. Also, if the Russia-Ukraine war continues until 2030, NATO’s total aid to Ukraine may reach nearly $10 trillion.

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