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Iranian religions in Palo Alto developing US Companies in the United States : Bahá’í Religion

Iranian Bahá’í religion controll All Companies of Palo Alto in California, Jewish Billionaries, Bahá’í religion behind the billionaires in United States, Bahá’í religion, Bahá’í population, Bahá’í faith.


Recently we saw that the founders of all the top companies are Jewish billionaires and now a new mode is going to come in their regulations. Recently, I came to know that Iran originated the Bahá’í Faith Religion is considered to be the god of original California and the United States which shows Unity and is making every student intelligent in the future, technology, and science. Everyone in Iran has been following the Islamic faith since the Islamic revolution but it is being told that long before Iran, a religion was established in Palo Alto, US, which is a religion based on Humanity, Unity, and Science. Today we are saying that California is not only a place for education but is also the headquarters of top companies. It has been written that in today’s world, Jewish Religion is the owner of many big companies, Bahá’í in California, Palo, and All SaintsEpiscopal Church have played the biggest role in the development of the US. By the way, the Bahá’í religion was founded in the 19th Century in Iran by Bahá’u’lláh. Baháʼí Faith also believes Unity of all people, Social principles, The Covenant, One God, and the manifestation of God.

Why the Iranian Bahá’í religion was behind the global billionaire’s success?

Meaning, just as Iran is considered to be the most scientific country in the world, similarly the Bahá’í religion based in America has also brought a lot of progress in the progress of America and the world. The Iranian Bahá’í religion believes that Abraham, Moses, Zoroaster, the Buddha, Jesus, and the Prophet Muhammad were divine. While Islam, Christianity, and Judaism have separated, the Bahá’í religion has always talked about unity. But the Bahá’í religion was separated from every other religion. The total population of the Bahá’í Faith religion is approximately 5 to 8 million and is present in Persia (Iran), India, and the United States. And in this religion you will also find a billionaire whose name is ‘Steve Sarowitz’ and many other millionaires like Thornton Chase, Mildred Mottahedeh Zhang Xin, Zia Mody, and Pan Shiyi. Today we have written about other Jewish Billionaires in the world but let us tell you that in the progress of America, Baha’i people have been given more respect than the Jewish Billionaires. It is written that in the modern world, Jewish and Christian Billionaires have been educated and have become the richest. But The Bahá’í people were very important in the United States from 1700 AD to 1900 AD.

Why Baháʼí religion behind the success of Jewish, Islam, and Christianity?

Recently there has been research that just as Jewish people are very serious about Unity, Social Ethics, Equality, Poverty, Prohibits Slavery, Monogamy, Symbolism and education, the same way is Bahá’í religion also. Baháʼí teachings are the desire to establish a unified world order that ensures the prosperity of all nations, races, creeds, and classes. So now it is believed that in the future the Bahá’í religion will get importance everywhere else in the world because the Bahá’í religion has opened universities, schools, and libraries to further promote its religion and humanity. But Bahá’í religion is such a religion that it has never entered politics so that it can give a good education to its children and people of all religions.

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