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Former PM of Pakistan Has been Arrested, here to see how many top leaders are arrested since 1900

here to see how many top Politician, PMs, Presidents of country & top leaders are arrested since 1900, Top 25 country in world, that have arrested their politicians from 1900, Imran Khan Pakistan’s Former PM arrested, was top ex-PM, Ex-presidents that arrested or got lifetime imprisonment from law of their country since 1900.Shehbaz Sharif & Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), Civilians of country, Political Crissis.


Due to Pakistan’s political crisis, Pakistan’s Former PM are Arrested in Pakistan, and many of Pakistani people are thinks they can’t celebrate the arrest of the PM. The Civilians of Pakistan are mostly supporting the Former PM (Imran Khan) of Pakistan to save democracy, economy and control of opposite powers. Pakistanis are making rallies in favor of PM Imran Khan in aboard to make a new re-election policy after the great clash in Pakistan. Imran Khan is the most popular PTI (Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf) leader with up to 10Million+ of its followers and supporters, and going to become Pakistan’s top Political party with a large approval rate of might be 95% in any voting to win. The peoples of Pakistan are unhappy with the Current government of Pakistan’s political party Shehbaz Sharif.

Here’s how many World’s Ex-President & Prime Minister Imprisoned since 1900

  1. Italy (10) – Europe
  2. Pakistan (8) – South Asia
  3. South Korea (7) – East Asia
  4. Hungary (6) – Europe
  5. Brazil (5) – South America
  6. Mauritania (5) – Africa
  7. Mali (5) – Africa
  8. Argentina (5) South America
  9. Bangladesh (5) South Asia
  10. Iraq (5) Middle East
  11. Japan (5) East Asia
  12. Venezuela (5) South America
  13. Algeria (4) North Africa
  14. Bulgaria (4) Balkan
  15. Ukraine (4) Europe
  16. Greece (4) Europe
  17. Peru (4) South America
  18. Guatemala (4) South America
  19. Albania (4) Balkans
  20. Romania (3) Europ
  21. Mongolia (3) East Asia
  22. Turkiye (3) Middle East
  23. Niger (3) North Africa
  24. France (3) Europe
  25. Kyrgyzstan (3) Central Asia

Italy has the world’s top rank in Ex-Prime Minister or President lifetime imprisonment from 1900 with a number of 10 leaders. Pakistan is the world’s top country where approximately 8+ ex-leaders or politicians are arrested due to political issues. South Korea Is one of the most popular countries on this list with 7 politicians are got lifetime imprisonment since 1900. and these are the world’s top countries where most politicians, ex-PMs, and ex-Presidents are got imprisonments since 1900. Other Leadership, ex-PM & ex-presidents are punished with long or lifetime imprisonment. Now that all (above Given) countries have strong democracy in their countries but recently Pakistan & Niger are still facing the issue of Ex-PM arrested.

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