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China has banned Gay pride, because of Gay Parade EU girls & Women are marrying with Foreigners

China Has banned Gay pride, EU girls and Womens are marrying with foreigner to make their couple life beautiful than same-marriages & become gay. LGBTQ rights, Gay Pride, gay Democracy, Couple Life, Future of children, EU Countries, China population collapse, Gay pride election top gay countries.


Chinese government of Xi Jinping looking to ban all the utility, supports and aid for the Gay Peoples or LGBTQ support to focus on the country’s population economy & future of children to become most powerful country to beat USA before 2030. Some countries of gay populations or rights are going against the Chinese thoughts about rights but Chinese doing well for those who believe in a couple life. top Gay pride countries in the world like Sweden, Malta, Netherlands, Spain, Germany and continuously support gay pride for their vote bank or rights of their constitution.

By Europe has the greatest replacement issues between Gay and Couple life, many women, girls, mens, teenagers are got victims being a part of this Gay Pride, because they don’t that could possible in their country going to get a big decline in population, culture, investments and economy. most number of European girls or women are marry with foreigners to keep living with couple life during their old relationships are under tension due to Gay Prideof LGBTQ rights.

Chinese government are taking a strict steps against the Gay Pride & LGBTQ right in over country to keep away the long term issues with country population or future’s high tenstion between those in China. In the Asia, China has world’s top Gay Pride where most Prides are happened at the name of LGBTQ rights and human rights of living with same marriage. Finally, China’s Xi Jinping government banned the all the funds, aid, support for the all the Gay people and too banned the supports for all the Gay People or same-marriages.

On the Twitter, People thoughts the China has a future’s biggest fear about new democracy or new Gay Friendly government after the XI Jinping, because its rapidly growing in the world. EU has a best victim proof about gay Pride, Gay Rights & LGBTQ rally. The EU country’s goverment are in confusion to understand how we can stop it and how we can give a rights to all the Gay Pride or LGBTQ community.

By the way, China & Serbia both are on the same ways to ban the Gay Pride or rights of LGBTQ in the country. There are still in the EU countries gives a biggest rights of Gay people to win elections, Support their rights and giving some aid to those people to live their life.

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